Publications and research by the NMDID Team

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Daneshvari Berry S, Edgar HJH. Standardizing Data from the Dead. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2019; 264:1427-1428. »link

Daneshvari Berry S, Edgar HJH. Development of a large-scale, whole body CT image database. AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings. 2017: 1951. »link

Appel NS., Edgar HJH, Daneshvari Berry S, Hunley K. Error in race and ethnicity descriptions in medical examiner records in New Mexico: consequences for understanding mortality among Hispanic/Latinos. Forensic Science International: Synergy. 2023; 7:100338. doi: 10.1016/j.fsisyn.2023.100338. PMID: 37409238; PMCID: PMC10319202. »link

Daneshvari Berry S, Kroth PJ, Edgar HJH, Warner T. Developing the Minimum Data Set for the New Mexico Decedent Image Database. Applied Clinical Informatics. 2021; 12(03): 518-527. »link

Daneshvari Berry S, Edgar HJH. Announcement: The New Mexico Decedent Image Database. Forensic Imaging, 2021; 24. »link

Berry SD, Edgar HJH, Mosley C, Hunley K. Refined, regionally-specific data standards reveal heterogeneity in Hispanic death records. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2021; 2021:161-169. PMID: 34457130; PMCID: PMC8378615. »link

Berry S D, & Edgar HJH. Extracting and Standardizing Medical Examiner Data to Improve Health. AMIA Joint Summits on Translational Science proceedings, 2020; 2020: 63–70. »link

Peer Reviewed Abstracts

Edgar HJH, Daneshvari Berry S. NMDID: A new research resource for biological anthropology. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement. 2019;66.

Daneshvari Berry S, Edgar HJH. Research from records: retrieving and sharing useful data from a non-research database. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement. 2019;19.

Edgar HJH, Daneshvari Berry S, Adolphi N. Developing a large-scale, whole body CT image database for research and teaching. Program of the 7th annual meeting of the International Society for Forensic Radiology and Imaging, 2018.

Edgar HJH, Daneshvari Berry SD. An upcoming large, whole body cadaver CT database: Potential applications in evolutionary medicine. Program of the 4th annual meeting of the International Society for Evolutionary Medicine and Public Health, 2018.

Edgar HJH, Daneshvari Berry, S. Standardizing a Large-Scale, Whole Body CT Image Database. American Academy of Forensic Sciences' 70th Annual Scientific Meeting, 2018; 17. »link

Edgar HJH, Daneshvari Berry S. An upcoming large, whole body cadaver CT database: Potential applications in evolutionary medicine. Program of the 4th annual meeting of the International Society for Evolutionary Medicine and Public Health, 2018.

Daneshvari Berry S, Edgar HJH. Large-Scale Computed Tomography Database with Associated Lifestyle and Health Data. NAME 2017: Annual Meeting Program. 2017: 75.

Edgar, HJH, Daneshvari Berry, S. Development and Challenges for longevity in big data resources. American Journal of Biological Anthropologists, 2023. 180 (S75):48.

Daneshvari Berry S, Edgar HJH, Hunley K. Heterogeneity in age at death among Hispanic Subgroups in New Mexico. American Journal of Human Biology, 2023. 35 (S1): 3.

Daneshvari Berry S, McGoff T, Edgar HJH. Applying Natural Language Processing to Medical Examiner Notes, AMIA Annual Proceedings, 2022.

Daneshvari Berry S, Edgar HJH. Utilization of the New Mexico Decedent Image Database, American Journal of Biological Anthropologists, 2022. 177 (S73):41.

Appel NS, Edgar HJH, Hunley K, Daneshvari Berry S. Misidentification of Hispanic individuals during death investigations: the impact of identification errors on research questions in anthropology and public health, American Journal of Biological Anthropologists, 2022.177 (S73): 5.

Edgar HJH, Berry S. Development challenges and applications of the New Mexico Decedent Image Database, Virtual Osteology Conference, 2021; 2021:16.

Daneshvari Berry S, Edgar HJH. A New Resource for Pathology Informatics: The New Mexico Decedent Image Database. J Pathol Inform. 2021; 12:44. doi: 10.4103/2153-3539.330157. PMCID: PMC8609292.

Berry SD, Edgar HJH. NMDID: a new resource for forensic anthropology. National Institute of Justice Forensic Science Research and Development Symposium, 2021.


Berry, S. Metadata Determination for a Cadaveric Collection. Master’s [thesis]. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico; 2014. Available from: UNM Digital Repository. »link